Top Higher Education Companies in Indonesia

Indonesia is one of the fastest-growing economies in Southeast Asia, with a GDP of $1.08 trillion in 2022. The country's economy has been growing at an average rate of around 5% per annum over the past few years, with employment opportunities expanding across various industries. One industry that has been gaining significant traction in recent years is the higher education industry. In this article, we will explore the key statistics, contributing factors, industry growth and comparison, key trends, challenges, and future outlook of the higher education industry in Indonesia.

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UNIVERSITAS MULAWARMAN1,838 +62 541 741118

The Universitas Mulawarman is a public university located in Samarinda, East Kalimantan, Indonesia. It was established on September 27, 1962, the oldest tertiary education institution in East Kalimantan. With more than 35,000 students, Universitas Mulawarman is the university with the most students in Kalimantan. Faculties: Faculty of Agriculture Faculty of Cultural Sciences Faculty of Economics Faculty of Engineering Faculty of Fishery and Marine Sciences Faculty of Forestry Faculty of Information and Communication Technology Faculty of Law Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences Faculty of Medicine Faculty of Pharmacy Faculty of Public Health Faculty of Social and Political Sciences Faculty of Teaching and Education Sciences Postgraduate Program Facilities: Auditorium Banks and ATMs Clinic Guest house Language Center Library Mosque University Radio Security Sport facilities: badminton, basketball, soccer, tennis, volleyball, wall climbs, jogging track, multifunction hall Stud…

HALU OLEO UNIVERSITY382 +62 401 3190105

Halu Oleo University (UHO) was officially announced as the first state university in Southeast Sulawesi by the Director General of Higher Education; Prof. Dr. Doddy Tisnaamidjaja representing the Minister of Education and Culture which at that time was held by Prof. Dr. Nugroho Notosusanto on August 19, 1981 as the 42nd state university in Indonesia based on Presidential Decree No. 37 of 1981.

PRESIDENT UNIVERSITY795 +62 21 89109763 ext. 112

An English-speaking private university in Indonesia with the largest number of international students.

TELKOM UNIVERSITY2,866 +62 22 7566456

Telkom University is one of the most prominent and most modern private universities in Indonesia. The fast growth of ICT (Information and Communication Technology) combined with the cultural diversity of Indonesia leads Telkom University to focus on ICT-based education and research in the field of engineering, business, and creative industry. Telkom University was launched on 14th August 2013, a merger of four higher education institutions belonging to PT Telekomunikasi Indonesia Tbk, which is the biggest telecommunication corporate owned by Indonesia Government. The grand launching was held on 31st August 2013 by the Minister of Education and Culture – Professor Mohammad Nuh, the CEO of Telkom Group – Dr. Arief Yahya, and the Chairman of Telkom Foundation – Johni Girsang, M.Sc. By the spirit of “Creating the Future”, within six years after establishment, Telkom University has turned up to be a world-class university consisting of 7 faculties (schools) and 31 programs (departments) f…


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The University of Sumatera Utara (Indonesian: Universitas Sumatera Utara) or (USU) is a public university located in the city of Medan in North Sumatera, Indonesia. It is situated in Padang Bulan, in the Medan Baru subdistrict of Medan, close to the City Centre, with a total area of 122 hectares. Due to an increase in student numbers, a new campus is being constructed in Kwala Bekala, 15 km distant, with a 300 hectare campus area. USU was established as a Foundation Universitet North Sumatera on June 4, 1952. The first is the Faculty of Medicine Faculty which was established on August 20, 1952, now commemorated as the anniversary USU. President of Indonesia, Sukarno then USU inaugurated as the seventh state university in Indonesia on November 20, 1957. In 2018, USU has been accredited A (Very Good) by the Indonesian National Accreditation Body of Higher Education (BAN-PT), making USU equivalent with top ratings campuses in Indonesia.


The University of Sumatera Utara (Indonesian: Universitas Sumatera Utara) or (USU) is a public university located in the city of Medan in North Sumatera, Indonesia. It is situated in Padang Bulan, in the Medan Baru subdistrict of Medan, close to the City Centre, with a total area of 122 hectares. Due to an increase in student numbers, a new campus is being constructed in Kwala Bekala, 15 km distant, with a 300 hectare campus area. USU was established as a Foundation Universitet North Sumatera on June 4, 1952. The first is the Faculty of Medicine Faculty which was established on August 20, 1952, now commemorated as the anniversary USU. President of Indonesia, Sukarno then USU inaugurated as the seventh state university in Indonesia on November 20, 1957. In 2018, USU has been accredited A (Very Good) by the Indonesian National Accreditation Body of Higher Education (BAN-PT), making USU equivalent with top ratings campuses in Indonesia.


UNISSULA as a leading Islamic University has announced a philosophical tagline for in its existance in education namely “Bismillah, membangun generasi khaira ummah“ or “In the name of Allah, raising the generation of the best people”. The tagline is inspired by the Holy Quran Surah Ali Imran verse 110 as saying “You are the best nation produced (as an example) for mankind, you enjoin what is right and forbid what is wrong and believe in Allah.”


UPNVY VISION Being a pioneer university of development that is based to State Defend in the global era. MISSION 1. Produce graduates who excel and cultured, have a Widya Mwat Yasa, responsibility, based on the values of discipline, effort and creativity of love for the homeland and the nation. 2. Improving the implementation of Tridarma universities that promote the quality of service. 3. Organize and improve the quality and quantity of research and dedication to the community on the basis of the progress of science and technology and social responsibility in the interests of society in order to support national development. 4. Developing a good university governance (good governance university) on an ongoing basis. AIM 1. Improving the quality of graduates capability to compete at regional, national and international. 2. Organizing Tridarma College-based Quality Management System. 3. Increasing the quantity and quality of research to develop the learning process and community servi…


Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia (UPI) was established on October 20, 1954 in Bandung, and was officially inaugurated by the Indonesian Minister of Education, Mr. Muhammad Yamin. UPI was initially a Perguruan Tinggi Pendidikan Guru (PTPG) or Teachers College which has undergone a metamorphosis to become a public university with wide-autonomy called PTNBH (Perguruan Tinggi Negeri Berbadan Hukum). Recently, Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia has made serious and rigorous efforts in expanding its services for the stakeholders. In addition to strong academic endeavors, the university also manages to refine its concept and masterplan. With the financial assistance provided by the Islamic Development Bank, Japan International Corporation Agency (JICA) and other financial support agencies, Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia has currently been equipped with modern infrastructure and elegant buildings within a green premise. Having all these excellent academic, infra-structure and masterplan, the …


Overseas Education Consultant, providing solution for step by step process of counseling, university application process, housing, flight arrangement, airport pick up. Helping students to improve their English proficiency, specifically on General & Academic English, TOEFL, IELTS and SAT. * The pioneer of TOEFL test center in Indonesia. * The first ETS TOEFL iBT test center in Central Java. * The first education agent in Central Java which able to process Australia student e-visa by online. * The first education agent entitled QEAC, Qualified Education Agent Certification Exam. A positive community for students, graduates, and academic to improve their potential, pursuing dream, career and establishing network.


Universitas Negeri Yogyakarta (UNY) is the Indonesian name for Yogyakarta State University (YSU). It is former of Education and Teaching Training Institute of Yogyakarta (IKIP Yogyakarta). It has been established since 1962 and become one of the most prestigious education institute in Indonesia. After it got its wider mandate to open non educational program in 1999, it turn it name into Yogyakarta State University.

MATANA UNIVERSITY102 +62 812-8777-5999

Matana University began operations in August 2014, located at Matana University Tower, Gading Serpong, Tangerang - Banten with 10 Study Programs. We are committed to producing graduates, those are professionals in their fields, entrepreneurial, creative, innovative, and possess right and strong characters. Our core values are INTEGRITY, STEWARDSHIP, & RESPECT. We appreciate everyone who joins us as a special individual that also value our three qualities. Vision To become a reliable university with a global perspective, that plays important roles in continuously improving science quality to the higher level, which is a gift of God for the welfare of mankind. Mission To prepare and educate the next generations to become full-hearted people and skillful in their fields, and have entrepreneurial skills, those are capable to contribute in the global business. Lets join us and be part of Matana University big family, The right place for creating a better education for the future excellen…


VISION By the year of 2025 UNY envisions that the university will have enjoyed a world class education with piety, autonomy, and intellectuality as the foundational values. MISSION UNY has some missions as follows: Conducting professional education, academic education, and vocational education in the field of teacher training with the support of non-educational fields to facilitate the development of students in becoming graduates who uphold piety, autonomy, and intellectuality conducting researches to unearth and disseminate knowledge, to invent and disseminate technology, to create and disseminate arts, and to develop and disseminate sports for the purposes of improving individual and social welfares supporting regional and national developments and answering global challenges conducting community services and empowerment to enhance the development of human, social, and natural potentials to achieve the social welfare establishing good university governance and clean university gove…

SWISS GERMAN UNIVERSITY253 +62 21 29779596

Swiss German University (SGU) was established in 2000 as the first international university with an academic license recognized under Indonesian law. The license was issued by the National Ministry of Education (DIKNAS). SGU was formed through a joint effort between Indonesia, Germany, Switzerland, and Austria with the objective of bringing a strong international focus and promoting knowledge and technology in the higher education system of Indonesia. In order to achieve its objectives, SGU offers quality-oriented learning through 11 Bachelors Degree Programs and 3 Masters Degree Programs ranging from Engineering, Information Technology, and Business to Life Sciences and Social Sciences that all use English as the medium of instruction. A pioneer in offering international curricula and international degree programs in Indonesia, SGU has established partnerships with 17 universities and 250 companies spread around Europe that put the institution among the most successful universities w…


Padang Bulan Campus is the University of Sumatera Utaras main campus which located in Padang Bulan Sub District , District of Medan Baru and has been operated since 1957. Initially, Padang Bulan Campus was located in suburban area of Medan, however, with the development of Medan, now the campus is located in the center of the city. This campus has an area of 122 acreage with an academic zone of 100 acreage. Padang Bulan Campus can be easily reach from the city center or from the airport, it is 15km distance or 20 minutes by taxi from the city center (Merdeka Square) or around 30 minutes using public transport. The distance from Polonia International Airport to USU Campus is about 6km or 15 minutes by taxi.

WIDYATAMA UNIVERSITY378 +62 22 7275855

Devoting to great concern to education, the founder of Widyatama University ordained the word “widya” and “tama” as one evocative name “WIDYATAMA” - The foremost learning place. VISION: Adaptability Making the University that could produce human resources professionals in their fields and can adjust themselves to the development of science, technology and art in the global environment. MISSION: VALUE CREATION Conducting educational programs, research and community services that support the development and application of science, technology and art. 1. Make cooperation with various parties, both within and outside the country so that the learning process is always up to date. 2. Make cooperation with various parties, both within and outside the country so that the learning process is always up to date. History of Widyatama was started when Bandung Institute of Accounting (IAB) a Bachelor Degree program was established in March 1973 by Dra. Kusbandiyah Abdul Kadir, Ak., a profess…


Politeknik Negeri Bandung (POLBAN) is a vocational university in engineering and commerce administration in Bandung. POLBAN was under Institut Teknologi Bandung administration as Polytechnic of ITB before separated in 1999. Vision: To become an innovative and adaptive institution in applied science and technology development and excellent and leading institution in vocational education. Mission: 1. To conduct education that generates competent graduates that have an ever-growing enthusiasm, good morals, entrepreneur-spirited, and good environmental insight. 2. To conduct applied researches and promote the results to develop science and technology. 3. To conduct community services through applied science and technology utilization to support improvement of life quality.


Berawal dari nama AKIS, STIMIK, STIKOM, STIKOM Surabaya, Institut Bisnis dan Informatika Stikom Surabaya, yang kemudian berkembang menjadi sebuah lembaga pendidikan yang berstatus perguruan tinggi dengan nama Universitas Dinamika. Memiliki 3 fakultas, Fakultas Teknologi dan Informatika (FTI), Fakultas ekonomi Bisnis (FEB) dan Fakultas Desain dan Industri Kreatif (FDIK) yang didalamnya terdapat 9 Program Studi. Kami melakukan perubahan bukan hanya untuk dipandang sebagai kampus, tapi untuk bisa bergerak lebih cepat dan mencerdaskan generasi bangsa. VISI Menjadi Perguruan Tinggi yang Produktif dalam berinovasi MISI 1. Menyelenggarakan Pendidikan yang berkualitas dan futuristis 2. Mengembangkan produktivitas berkreasi dan berinovasi 3. Mengembangkan layanan untuk meningkatkan kesejahteraan masyarakat TUJUAN 1. Menghasilkan SDM berbudipekerti luhur, kompetitif, dan adaptif terhadap perkembangan 2. Mengembangkan Pendidikan yang berkualitas dan inovatif 3. Menghasilkan produk kreatif dan…

INSTITUT TEKNOLOGI NASIONAL (ITENAS)478 +62 22 7272215 ext. 234

Institut Teknologi Nasional (ITENAS) was established in 1972 entitled as Akademi Teknologi Nasional (ATENAS) and later changed its name into ITENAS in 1984. ITENAS is a private higher educational institution that specializes in technology, art, and design and consists of three different faculties namely Faculty of Industrial Technology, Faculty of Civil and Planning Engineering, and Faculty of Architecture and Design.   ITENAS offers courses and programs leading to officially recognized by the Directorate General of Higher Education, Ministry of Education and Culture Indonesia for bachelor and master degrees in several areas of study. Itenas campus is located in the urban setting of the large city of Bandung (population range of 1,000,000-5,000,000 inhabitants), West Java Province.  The infrastructure facility covers a total area of  54.854 m2 in which the built area occupies 45.662 m2. Officially, Institut Teknologi Nasional (ITENAS) has been accredited by the National Accreditation …

Top Higher Education Companies in Indonesia

Key Statistics from 2022

According to a recent report by the Ministry of Education and Culture, there are currently over 4,000 higher education institutions in Indonesia, with a total enrollment of over 7 million students. The number of higher education institutions and student enrollment has been steadily increasing over the years, with a growth rate of around 5% per annum. The higher education industry has been a significant employer, providing over 500,000 jobs in 2022.

The Indonesian government has recognized the potential of the higher education industry and has been taking steps to promote its development. In 2022, the government launched the National Higher Education Roadmap, which aims to provide a comprehensive framework for the development and implementation of higher education solutions in the country.

Factors Contributing to Growth and Success

The growth and success of the higher education industry in Indonesia can be attributed to several factors. First, the increasing demand for higher education among Indonesians has led to a growing need for quality and affordable higher education institutions. This has provided opportunities for both public and private institutions to expand their offerings and cater to the growing demand.

Second, the Indonesian government has been actively promoting the development of the higher education industry. The government has been investing in higher education institutions and has set up various initiatives, such as the Indonesia Endowment Fund for Education, to support the development of the industry.

Industry Growth and Comparison

The higher education industry in Indonesia has been growing steadily in recent years, with a significant increase in the number of institutions and enrollment. In 2020, the number of higher education institutions in Indonesia increased by 4%, with over 200 new institutions being established.

In terms of industry growth and comparison, the private higher education sector has seen the highest growth in Indonesia, with a growth rate of around 8% per annum. The public sector has also seen significant growth, with a growth rate of around 5% per annum.

Key Trends

Technological disruptions have been a significant trend in the higher education industry in Indonesia. One such disruption is the adoption of online and blended learning solutions, which can provide more accessible and flexible solutions for students. Online and blended learning solutions are expected to drive the growth of the higher education industry in Indonesia by enabling new use cases and applications.

Another trend in the industry is the adoption of data analytics and artificial intelligence in higher education institutions. Data analytics and artificial intelligence can provide more personalized and data-driven solutions for students and institutions, improving overall student experiences and performance.


The higher education industry in Indonesia still faces several challenges. One of the main challenges is the lack of quality and affordability of higher education institutions in the country. This can limit access to higher education for Indonesians and limit the growth of the industry.

Another challenge is the shortage of skilled faculty and staff in higher education institutions. This can limit the quality of education provided by institutions and limit the growth of the industry.

Future Outlook

The future of the higher education industry in Indonesia looks promising. The government's initiatives to promote the development of the industry, along with the increasing demand for higher education and the adoption of new technologies such as online and blended learning solutions and data analytics and artificial intelligence, are likely to drive the growth of the industry.

In the coming years, we can expect to see increased adoption of online and blended learning solutions, providing more accessible and flexible solutions for students. The adoption of data analytics and artificial intelligence in higher education institutions is also likely to increase, providing more personalized and data-driven solutions for students and institutions.

However, the industry still faces challenges, and there is a need for continued support from the government and the private sector. The improvement of the quality and affordability of higher education institutions, as well as the development of training and education programs for faculty and staff, will be crucial for the growth and success of the industry.


The higher education industry in Indonesia is a growing and competitive market, with significant growth potential in the coming years. The government's initiatives to promote the development of the industry, along with the increasing demand for higher education and the adoption of new technologies such as online and blended learning solutions and data analytics and artificial intelligence, are likely to drive the growth of the industry.

While the industry still faces challenges, the adoption of new technologies and the improvement of the quality and affordability of higher education institutions are likely to continue to grow, providing more accessible and personalized solutions for students. With continued support from the government and the private sector, the higher education industry in Indonesia has the potential to become a significant contributor to the country's economy and a leader in the region.

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By Melissa Goh
Published on 12 May 2023