Top Large Local Enterprises Companies in Malaysia

The large local enterprises industry in Malaysia has been a critical contributor to the country's economy, playing a significant role in driving economic growth and employment opportunities. As of 2022, the industry accounts for 21.4% of Malaysia's GDP and employs over 3 million workers, making up 22% of the total workforce in the country. The industry has experienced steady growth in recent years, with the government introducing several initiatives to promote the growth and development of the industry. In this article, we will explore the key statistics, factors contributing to the industry's growth and success, each industry's growth and comparison to previous years, key trends including technological disruptions, challenges, and future outlook of the large local enterprises industry in Malaysia.

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Top Large Local Enterprises Companies in Malaysia

Factors Contributing to Growth and Success

The Malaysian government has played a significant role in the growth and success of the large local enterprises industry. The government has introduced several initiatives to promote the growth of the industry, including tax incentives for businesses, the establishment of a single-window service to streamline the process of starting a business, and the introduction of the Malaysia Productivity Blueprint to improve productivity and competitiveness.

Each Industry's Growth and Comparison to Previous Years

The large local enterprises industry in Malaysia comprises several sub-sectors, including manufacturing, construction, services, and agriculture. In 2022, the manufacturing sector has shown significant growth, with an increase in sales revenue by 4.5% compared to the previous year. The construction sector has also shown growth, with an increase in sales revenue by 3.8% compared to the previous year. The services sector has experienced growth by 5.1% compared to the previous year, and the agriculture sector has also grown by 4.4%.

Key Trends Including Technological Disruptions

The large local enterprises industry in Malaysia has been undergoing a transformation through the adoption of new technologies such as Industry 4.0, automation, and artificial intelligence. These technologies can help to improve productivity, reduce costs, and improve the quality of products and services. The government has introduced several initiatives to promote the adoption of these technologies, such as the Industry4WRD National Policy and the Digital Transformation Acceleration Program.


Despite the growth and success of the large local enterprises industry in Malaysia, there are several challenges that the industry faces. One significant challenge is the need to address changing consumer preferences and behavior, particularly with the rise of digitalization and e-commerce. Additionally, the industry is also facing challenges related to the need for a skilled workforce and the need to address environmental concerns related to sustainability and climate change.

Future Outlook

The future outlook of the large local enterprises industry in Malaysia remains positive. The government has introduced several initiatives to address the challenges facing the industry, including the development of policies to promote the adoption of new technologies and the establishment of training and development programs to develop a skilled workforce. Additionally, the government has also introduced policies to promote sustainable business practices.

Looking forward, the large local enterprises industry in Malaysia is expected to continue to adapt to changing consumer preferences and embrace new technologies to remain competitive in the global marketplace. The adoption of new technologies such as Industry 4.0, automation, and artificial intelligence, as well as the development of a skilled workforce, are expected to drive further growth and transformation in the industry. Additionally, the promotion of sustainable business practices will be important factors in driving the industry's success in the future.


In conclusion, the large local enterprises industry in Malaysia is a critical contributor to the country's economy, playing a significant role in driving economic growth and employment opportunities. The government's commitment to supporting the growth and development of the industry, coupled with the adoption of new technologies and sustainable business practices, will be critical factors in driving the industry's success in the future. With continued government support and industry innovation, the large local enterprises industry in Malaysia is well-positioned to continue its growth trajectory in the years ahead.

To remain competitive, companies operating in this sector must remain vigilant of emerging trends and shifts in consumer behavior. The rise of digitalization and e-commerce has transformed the way consumers engage with businesses and make purchasing decisions. To stay relevant, companies must adapt to these trends and embrace new technologies to improve their marketing, distribution, and supply chain operations.

Furthermore, the industry must address environmental concerns related to sustainability and climate change. The adoption of sustainable business practices is not only a social responsibility but can also be a competitive advantage, appealing to consumers who are increasingly conscious of the environmental impact of their purchasing decisions.

Overall, the large local enterprises industry in Malaysia is a vibrant and dynamic sector of the economy, playing a critical role in driving economic growth and employment opportunities. With continued government support, the adoption of new technologies and sustainable business practices, and a focus on addressing changing consumer preferences, the industry is well-positioned to continue its growth trajectory in the years ahead.

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By Melissa Goh
Published on 22 May 2023