Top Large Local Enterprises in Thailand

The Large Local Enterprises (LLE) industry in Thailand has experienced significant growth and success in recent years, thanks to various factors contributing to its development. With the government's supportive initiatives, the LLE industry has become a crucial contributor to Thailand's economy, accounting for a substantial portion of the country's GDP and employment. In this article, we will examine the key statistics of the LLE industry, factors contributing to its growth and success, each industry's growth, key trends, challenges, and future outlook.

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Top Large Local Enterprises in Thailand

Key Statistics from 2022

According to the World Bank, Thailand's GDP was 546.29 billion USD in 2021, and it is projected to grow to 590.55 billion USD by 2023. The LLE industry plays a significant role in this growth, contributing to the country's economy and employment. In 2021, the LLE industry employed over 70% of the Thai workforce and contributed to 56% of the country's GDP. These figures demonstrate the importance of the LLE industry in the Thai economy.

Factors Contributing to Growth and Success

Government Initiatives

The Thai government has been instrumental in supporting the growth and success of the LLE industry. The government's various initiatives have created a conducive environment for LLEs to thrive. One of the government's most significant initiatives is the Eastern Economic Corridor (EEC) project. The EEC project aims to develop Thailand's eastern provinces into a leading economic zone, attracting foreign investment and generating more employment opportunities. The EEC project's primary focus is on developing infrastructure, innovation, and high-tech industries. This initiative has encouraged LLEs to expand their operations into the eastern provinces and tap into the opportunities created by the EEC project.

Industry Growth and Comparison to Previous Years

The LLE industry in Thailand comprises various sectors, including manufacturing, retail, services, and agriculture. Let us examine the growth of each industry and compare it to the previous year's figures.


The manufacturing industry in Thailand is the largest contributor to the country's economy, accounting for 43% of the country's GDP. In 2021, the manufacturing industry grew by 3.4%, up from 2.8% in 2020. This growth can be attributed to the increased demand for Thai-made goods globally.


The retail industry in Thailand has experienced steady growth in recent years. In 2021, the retail industry grew by 2.6%, up from 1.9% in 2020. The growth can be attributed to the increase in consumer spending and the government's initiatives to promote domestic consumption.


The services industry in Thailand is the second-largest contributor to the country's GDP, accounting for 38% of the total GDP. In 2021, the services industry grew by 3.8%, up from 3.3% in 2020. The growth can be attributed to the increase in tourism and the government's initiatives to promote tourism.


The agriculture industry in Thailand has experienced steady growth in recent years. In 2021, the agriculture industry grew by 1.5%, up from 0.9% in 2020. The growth can be attributed to the increase in demand for Thai agricultural products globally.

Key Trends

Technological Disruptions

The LLE industry in Thailand is experiencing significant technological disruptions. The industry is adopting new technologies to enhance its operations and increase efficiency. For instance, the manufacturing industry is adopting Industry 4.0 technologies such as automation, robotics, and artificial intelligence to improve production processes and reduce costs. The services industry is adopting digital technologies such as mobile applications and online platforms to improve customer experience and increase accessibility.


Despite the LLE industry's success, several challenges threaten its growth and sustainability. One of the significant challenges is the shortage of skilled workers. The industry requires skilled workers to adopt and implement new technologies, which are essential for competitiveness. However, there is a shortage of skilled workers in the market, and this poses a significant challenge for LLEs.

Another challenge is the increasing competition from neighboring countries. Thailand's LLE industry faces stiff competition from other ASEAN countries such as Vietnam and Indonesia, which offer lower labor and production costs. To remain competitive, LLEs in Thailand need to enhance their operations and adopt new technologies continually.

Future Outlook

The LLE industry's future outlook is promising, with several opportunities for growth and expansion. The government's various initiatives to promote foreign investment and develop infrastructure will continue to attract foreign investors and create more opportunities for LLEs. Additionally, the industry's adoption of new technologies will enhance efficiency and competitiveness, leading to more growth and expansion.


The Large Local Enterprises industry in Thailand is a growing and successful sector, contributing significantly to the country's economy and employment. The government's supportive initiatives, industry growth, and technological disruptions have contributed to the industry's success. However, the industry faces several challenges such as a shortage of skilled workers and increasing competition from neighboring countries. The industry's future outlook is promising, with several opportunities for growth and expansion. The LLE industry's continued success is essential for Thailand's economic growth, and the government and industry players must continue to work together to sustain this growth.

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By Melissa Goh
Published on 30 May 2023