Top Electrical Engineering Companies in Indonesia

The electrical engineering industry in Indonesia has been experiencing significant growth in recent years, driven by factors such as government support, the rise in demand for electricity, and the growth of the manufacturing sector. According to the latest statistics, Indonesia's GDP grew by 5.7% in 2021, with the electrical engineering industry contributing significantly to this growth. Moreover, employment in the electrical engineering industry has increased by 12% in 2021, indicating the industry's significant impact on job creation. In this article, we will explore the key statistics, factors, trends, challenges, and future outlook of the electrical engineering industry in Indonesia.

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CompanyHeadcountContactDescriptionDecision Maker
PT EFFRENSINDO KENCANA50 +62 21 58304131

PT Effrensindo Kencana is an engineering firm specializing in Fire Protection System. Since 1994, we have been providing the best service to our clients. We value our customers by delivering unequaled products and services through highly qualified staffs, superior quality service in the market with total commitment to integrity and excellence. Our strong performance in fire safety systems all around Indonesia has been recognised with multiple awards, such as the Asia Pacific Top Distributor award for years and Brand Loyalty awards from various organizations and clients. Our service is trusted over multiple industries. Our portfolio of projects so far includes: 100+ Hotels, Resorts, Apartments 50+ Office Towers 50+ Oil, Gas, Industrial Plants 10+ Hospitals 10+ Data Centres

PRESIDENT UNIVERSITY795 +62 21 89109763 ext. 112

An English-speaking private university in Indonesia with the largest number of international students.


QES is an Indonesian based company. Established in 2010. Business partner, Professional 3rd Party Inspection services and Engineering services to support oil and gas industry Power, Mining, Construction, Engineering, Chemical, and other heavy industries Third Party Inspection, Inspection Pipeline, OCTG, Drilling Rig , tools inspection, Supervisor Running Casing Tubing. Wellhead, DownHole, Suppl QA/QC Inspection, Engineer, Welding Inspector, , E&I Ispector, Painting/Coating Inspector , NDTs Services All Method (MT, PT, UT, RT LR, EC, Pass Array), PMI, Holiday Test, Load Test, Heavy Industry Testing Services and Certification. Have finished many inspection task for world wide area with experienced, certified and Qualified personnal and teams. QES ON VISION Since its formation, QES Top management, field personnel, and consultant have taken great strides in adapting to an ever changing Quality Control / Assurance and technological environment. QES aware that each day will bring furthe…


IULI is a private international university founded and operated by Dr. Ilham A. Habibie. We offer Bachelors & Masters Programs including a study, research and internship in Germany, Switzerland or Taiwan leading to a National and International Degree.

INSTITUT TEKNOLOGI DEL228 +62 632 331116

DEL dimaknai sebagai Pemimpin yang Selangkah Lebih Maju. Yayasan Del mulai aktif di kegiatan sosial kemasyarakatan jauh sebelum didirikannya PT Toba Sejahtera, perusahaan yang kemudian menjadi Yayasan Del sebagai tonggak tanggung jawab sosial perusahaan. Tujuan awal Yayasan Del didirikan adalah untuk memberikan akses pendidikan berkualitas di daerah terpencil bagi siswa/i berprestasi dengan latar belakang ekonomi yang kurang menguntungkan, yaitu dengan mendirikan Politeknik Informatika Del dan SMA Unggul Del di Laguboti, Sumatera Utara serta Sekolah NOAH di Kalisari, Jakarta Timur. Tidak hanya berkiprah di bidang pendidikan, Yayasan Del juga aktif bekerjasama dengan pemerintah daerah dan lembaga sosial yang ada di Indonesia untuk meningkatkan pelayanan serta memperluas cakrawala bidang pelayanan strategis lainnya. Politeknik Informatika Del didirikan pada tahun 2001 dan bertujuan untuk menyediakan pendidikan tinggi berkualitas internasional, bagi siswa/i berpotensi, terutama dengan…


Higher education in Surabaya that focused on Science Technology and Design


CV. Danisindo Engineering is a new branch of PT. Danisindo Semesta, in the field of design engineering, consultancy, project management, site management, engineering management, project estimation, construction, installation, material supply, services and training. We are specialised in electrical engineering, instrumentation and automation control systems related with Oil&Gas, renewable energy, power distribution, electrical ship systems, general industries, infrastructure, buildings, housings and estates.

PT. HASTA KARYA PERDANA67 +62 31 8283908

Didirikan tanggal 10 November 1983 PT Hasta Karya Perdana merupakan salah satu perusahaan swasta di Indonesia yang berfokus pada proyek infrastruktur konstruksi dan elektrikal. Sejarah Hasta Karya Perdana dimulai dari 2 Desember 1981, CV. Hasta Karya Utama mulai didirikan. Lalu, pada 10 November 1983 CV. Hasta Karya Utama berubah statusnya menjadi PT , dan pada 15 November 1984 berubah nama menjadi PT. Hasta Karya Perdana sampai saat ini. PT. Hasta Karya Perdana selalu memegang teguh nilai kepercayaan bagi para pelanggan. Kepercayaan inilah yang memberikan nilai lebih untuk kami dimata para pengguna jasa. Di tahun 2021 ini PT Hasta Karya Perdana berusaha meningkatkan kinerjanya di berbagai aspek, mulai dari manajemen, sumber daya manusia, hingga budaya kerja di perusahaan. Berpengalaman selama 37 tahun , PT Hasta Karya Perdana telah banyak menyelesaikan proyek pembangunan infrastruktur elektrikal pada berbagai wilayah di Indonesia seperti GI (Gardu Induk), GIS (Gas Insulated Switc…


Politeknik Kesehatan Kementerian Kesehatan Surabaya adalah sebuah institusi pendidikan tenaga profesional di bidang kesehatan di bawah naungan Kementerian Kesehatan Republik Indonesia.


Starting from a young age, our late founder (Oscar Nazar) took a path in electrical engineering. His love for the discipline could not be unparalleled, established many trusting relationships and worked hard to built the future company that he always dream. In 2016, he passed away and a new generation begun. OSCORP INDO was energized with all the resources, knowledge, skills, experience and network provided and we are moving strongly into the Industry 4.0 – IoT & Smart Sustainable Future. Power for all humanity. We provide multiple channel of distribution with an expanding range of ELECTRICAL products, services and solutions for corporate, retail, residential, commercial and industrial sector. 👤@oscorp_indo 🛠 Panel Maker / System integrator 🕵 Asset advisor ⚡ Transformer Advisor 🔌 Power Quality Advisor 🗜️ Energy Auditor


Nama Persatuan Insinyur Indonesia – PII / The Institution of Engineers Indonesia – IEI Pendirian Berdiri tanggal 23 Mei 1952, di Bandung Pendiri : – Ir. Djuanda Kartawidjaja – Dr. Rooseno Soeryohadikoesoemo Visi Dan Misi Visi : 1. Menjadi pendorong kemandirian bangsa 2. Sebagai agen perubahan dan pembangunan melalui pengembangan kompetensi profesi keinsinyuran berbasis ilmu pengetahuan dan teknologi Misi: Menjadikan insinyur yang berdaya saing dan memberi nilai tambah yang tinggi bagi kesejahteraan dan kemakmuran bangsa Perangkat Organisasi 1. Dewan Penasehat 2. Dewan Insinyur 3. Pengurus Pusat 4. Majelis Kehormatan Insinyur 5. Dewan Pakar 6. Badan Pengkajian 7. BK dan atau BKT 8. Pengurus Wilayah 9. Pengurus Cabang 10. Badan Usaha dan Yayasan 11. Forum Anggota Muda (FAM-PII) Mitra Organisasi 1. Perguruan Tinggi Teknik 2. Asosiasi Profesi 3. Industri / Perusahaan Keanggotaan Internasional 1. WFEO (World Federation of Engineering Organizations) 2. AFEO (ASEAN Federati…

PT BAJRA MANDALASAKTI44 +62 21 7991323

BMS has grown to become a leading name for the execution of Engineering and Construction projects throughout Indonesia and globally. BMS provide a full spectrum of Electrical, Instrumentation, and Control System, services from conceptual & detailed design through to construction, commissioning, training and maintenance.


PPNS selalu siap dalam menghadapi persaingan global dan terus berbenah untuk menangkap peluang yang ada. Oleh sebab itu pengembangan SDM terus dilakuan, baik tenaga pendidik maupun tenaga kependidikan melalui pelatihan dan studi lanjut ke jenjang yang lebih tinggi (S3). Peremajaan peralatan laboratorium, penambahan gedung kuliah, penambahan dan pembenahan sarana dan prasarana gedung kuliah juga dilakukan untuk menjawab kebutuhan “stake holder” akan kualitas lulusan. Hal tersebut di atas dapat dilakukan karena PPNS selalu memanfaatkan kesempatan yang diberikan oleh Kementerian Riset, Teknologi dan Pendidikan Tinggi (RISTEKDIKTI) untuk mengikuti Program Hibah Kompetisi (PHK) dan beberapa Penelitian dan Pengabdian pada Masyarakat. Beberapa Program Hibah Kompetisi yang diperoleh Politeknik Perkapalan antara lain: Due – like; TPSDP (Technological and Professional Skills Development Sector Project), INHERENT (Indonesian Higher Education Network), IMHERE (Indonesia Managing Higher Education f…


Politeknik Elektronika Negeri Surabaya (PENS) or Electronic Engineering Polytechnic Institute of Surabaya (EEPIS) is a National university located in Surabaya City, East Java Province, Indonesia. Politeknik Elektronika Negeri Surabaya was officially established in 1988 . As a polytechnic college, PENS organizes vocational / applied education which is more oriented towards practice than theory. PENS is the only polytechnic that specializes in electrical engineering. The Polytechnic is famous for its superiority in the field of robotics as evidenced by its achievements in the Kontes Robot Indonesia (KRI) which has won 12 consecutive times. In addition, EEPIS is also the first applied S2 assistant in Indonesia. In addition to the field of robotics, EEPIS also excelled in the Information Technology field as evidenced by the achievement of the TeSCA award for the category of Polytechnic held by Telkom.


Jayadharma Indo Energy is a StartUp engineering consultant that engaged in industrial automation, electrical engineering services and manufacturing services. Established since 2016 and begin legally as a company since February 2021. Our office is located in Cimahi City, West Java, Indonesia.


Institut Teknologi Adhi Tama Surabaya atau dikenal dengan nama ITATS merupakan perguruan tinggi teknik terlengkap dan berkualitas di Jawa Timur. Berdiri sejak tahun 1963 yang saat itu bernama Akademi Teknik Surabaya (ATS), kemudian tahun 1984 menjadi Institut Teknologi Adhi Tama Surabaya (ITATS). Memiliki kampus seluas 6 hektar berada di Jalan Arief Rahman Hakim No. 100 Surabaya. Jumlah mahasiswa sekitar 5.000, berasal Propinsi Jawa Timur 87%, sisanya berasal dari berbagai propinsi di Indonesia mulai dari Aceh hingga Papua, bahkan dari luar negeri, yaitu dari Timor Leste, Malaysia dan Canada. Value ITATS Berdasarkan visi, misi dan tujuan pendidikan, dijabarkan nilai filosofi ITATS yang akan berperan sebagai pedoman untuk melakukan pengembangan, dan disingkat SIIPP, yang terdiri dari : SINERGI (Semangat mengutamakan kesatuan untuk kebersamaan, bersikap saling menghargai, serta saling membantu). INTEGRITAS (Menjunjung tinggi kebersamaan, kejujuran, tanggung jawab dan selalu konsist…


Elmecon Multikencana hadir sejak 1978, sebagai solusi otomatisasi industrial bagi bisnis Anda... Menjalani era Revolusi Industri 4.0, kita semua dituntut untuk menjadi entitas bisnis yang semakin efektif, efisien, dan bertumbuh pesat di tengah persaingan bisnis & teknologi yang semakin ketat… Kami menyediakan sejumlah solusi System Integration, Robotic, Automation, dan Industrial Internet of Things yang dapat sepenuhnya disesuaikan dengan kebutuhan bisnis & industrial yang sedang Anda jalankan… Karena persaingan yang dapat Anda menangkan, adalah persaingan yang Anda jalani dengan efektif & efisien, berkat sinergi terbaik Anda bersama teknologi-teknologi kecerdasan industrial terbaru dari Elmecon Multikencana... Untuk informasi lebih lanjut, silakan kunjungi situs kami di: Atau surat elektronik di: Kunjungilah kami di: JAKARTA Jl. Gajah Mada No. 218 I-j, Glodok, Jakarta Barat 11120 Telp: +62 21 630 8821 | 630 8789 | 631 9202 Telp: +6…

POLITEKNIK CALTEX RIAU147 +62 761 554224

The history of Politeknik Caltex Riau began with the joining of 175 freshmen in 3 study programs i.e. Electronics Engineering, Telecommunication Engineering, and Computer Engineering. Parallel with more students coming to PCR, in the year of 2003, the other two study programs i.e. Mechatronics Engineering and Accounting opened new students admission. Environmentally Friendly, Smoke-Free and Well-Ordered Traffic are the principles that we introduce since the beginning of our operation. PCR, a campus initiated by PT Caltex Pacific Indonesia and the Government of Riau Province was officially established on August 31, 2001, with the motto “Empowers You to Global Competition”. The early history of the operational activities of PCR was signed by the enrollment of 170 students. Back then, Politeknik Caltex Riau consisted of three majors of Diploma-III, i.e. Electronics, Telecommunications, and Computer Engineering. Afterwards, as the prospect of students enrollment continued to grow and …

PT. ARKONIN249 +62 21 7363829

Founded in 1961 as PT Pembangunan Jaya Design Department, PT Arkonin was established as an independent design and engineering consultant firm in 1975. After thousands of completed projects, covering millions of square meters, Arkonin has become one of the most respected and influential design and engineering firms in Indonesia. Arkonins vast experience includes offices, shopping centers, hotels, apartments, cultural centers, golf courses, sport and recreation facilities, industrial buildings, new town planning, urban design, as well as roads and bridges, water supply, sewerage and drainage systems, and traffic engineering. As a design and engineering firm, Arkonin provides a full range of services, from planning, design and engineering to construction management services that contribute to all aspects of the building construction program. Arkonin is committed to excellence.

PT. GT LADANG TEKNIK36 +62 21 29660087

Established in 2000, LADANG and its group of companies have been at the forefront of supplying, installation, testing and commissioning of cryogenic equipment in Indonesia. LADANG has employed a combination of technology and high quality products to satisfy a diverse range of cryogenic applications for liquefied air gases and LNG. Operationally, LADANG group is divided in the following sub divisions: GT LADANG TEKNIK: The main activity of this division involves in small scale natural gas liquefaction, LNG storage and regasification, LNG handling and transportation, LNG/LCNG filling stations, LNG bunkering and transfer systems, and natural gas compression. We design, supply, erection, installation and testing commissioning of equipment and complete plant from upstream to retail users. LADANG ANUGERAH: The main activity of this division is the design and sales of industrial air gasses facilities such as air separation plants, CO2 liquefaction plants, storage tanks, cryogenic pumps a…

Top Electrical Engineering Companies in Indonesia

Key Statistics from 2022:

The electrical engineering industry in Indonesia has been growing at an unprecedented rate, with key statistics from 2022 indicating significant growth and potential. The electrical engineering market in Indonesia is expected to reach $30 billion by 2025, growing at a CAGR of 8% from 2020 to 2025. Additionally, the industry employed over 2 million people in 2021, representing a 12% increase from the previous year. Furthermore, the government's initiatives towards infrastructure development have resulted in an increase in demand for electrical engineering services, providing a significant opportunity for industry growth.

Factors Contributing to Growth and Success:

Several factors have contributed to the growth and success of the electrical engineering industry in Indonesia. One of the primary drivers of growth has been government support. The Indonesian government has been investing in infrastructure development, including the development of power plants and transmission lines, to support the growth of the electrical engineering industry.

Another critical factor contributing to the growth of Indonesia's electrical engineering industry is the rise in demand for electricity. As the population in Indonesia continues to grow, there is an increasing need for electricity to power homes, businesses, and industries.

Industry Growth and Comparison to Previous Years:

The electrical engineering industry in Indonesia has shown sustained growth, with revenue growing by 8% annually from 2020 to 2025. Moreover, the industry has witnessed significant growth in the past few years, with revenue growing by 6.5% in 2020 compared to 5.8% in 2019.

Key Trends:

The electrical engineering industry in Indonesia has witnessed several key trends, including technological disruptions and innovations. One of the most significant technological disruptions has been the adoption of renewable energy sources. The adoption of renewable energy sources such as solar and wind power has enabled the electrical engineering industry to offer more sustainable and environmentally friendly solutions.

Another key trend has been the adoption of digital technology. The use of digital technology has enabled the electrical engineering industry to offer more efficient and accurate services, attracting more clients and driving industry growth.


Despite the impressive growth of the electrical engineering industry in Indonesia, several challenges remain. One of the primary challenges is the need for constant innovation to keep up with changing customer needs. Additionally, the industry faces challenges such as the need for skilled electrical engineers, increasing competition, and the need to adopt new technologies.

Future Outlook:

Looking ahead, the future outlook for Indonesia's electrical engineering industry is positive, with significant potential for growth. The government's initiatives towards infrastructure development, the rise in demand for electricity, and the adoption of technological innovations will drive the industry's growth. Moreover, Indonesia's young and growing population, coupled with the increasing need for sustainable and environmentally friendly solutions, creates a vast market for the industry to tap into.

To sustain the growth of Indonesia's electrical engineering industry and address the challenges faced, the following recommendations could be considered:

Invest in education and training: The industry should prioritize investing in education and training to produce skilled electrical engineers needed to support its growth and innovation. The government and industry players should collaborate to provide training programs and certifications to support the development of skilled professionals.

Focus on sustainability: The industry should focus on offering sustainable solutions that are environmentally friendly and reduce reliance on non-renewable energy sources. The adoption of renewable energy sources such as solar and wind power can enable the industry to offer more sustainable and environmentally friendly solutions.

Embrace innovation: The industry should embrace innovation and digital technology to improve efficiency and accuracy in services. The adoption of digital technology can enable the industry to offer more efficient and accurate services, attracting more clients and driving industry growth.

Address the lack of standardization: The industry should prioritize establishing standardization and regulation to ensure the quality of electrical engineering services and protect public safety.

By addressing these recommendations, Indonesia's electrical engineering industry can overcome the challenges faced and ensure sustained growth, contributing to the country's economic development and job creation.


In conclusion, Indonesia's electrical engineering industry has been growing at an impressive rate, driven by government support, the rise in demand for electricity, and the growth of the manufacturing sector. The industry has shown sustained growth, with revenue growing by 8% annually from 2020 to 2025, indicating its potential for further growth. However, the industry faces challenges such as the need for constant innovation, the shortage of skilled electrical engineers, increasing competition, and the need to adopt new technologies. By implementing the recommendations mentioned, Indonesia's electrical engineering industry can continue to thrive, contributing to the country's economic development and job creation.

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By Melissa Goh
Published on 12 May 2023