Top Pharmaceuticals Companies in Philippines

The Pharmaceuticals industry in the Philippines is an important driver of economic growth and public health. As the country faces increasing healthcare demands due to a growing population and an aging demographic, the industry has responded with innovation and expansion. This article provides a comprehensive analysis of the growth, success factors, and key trends shaping the Pharmaceuticals industry in the Philippines. Additionally, it highlights the challenges and future outlook for the industry, offering valuable insights for investors, policymakers, and industry stakeholders.

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LONZA15,346 +65 6521 4362

At Lonza, we enable #AHealthierWorld by supporting our healthcare customers on the path to commercialization. Our community of 16,000 talented employees work across a global network of more than 30 sites to deliver for our customers across the pharma, biotech and nutrition markets. By combining technological insight with world-class manufacturing, scientific expertise and process excellence, we help our customers to deliver new and innovative medicines that help treat a wide range of diseases.While we work in science, there’s no magic formula to how we do it. Our greatest scientific solution is talented people working together, devising commitment and ideas that help our customers to help people.In exchange, we let our people own their careers. Their ideas, big and small, genuinely improve the world. And that’s the kind of work we want to be part of.Our work makes #AMeaningfulDifference.

MP BIOMEDICALS616 +65 6775 0008

MP Biomedicals is dedicated to giving scientists and researchers innovative, quality tools and superior service to aid them in their quest for ground-breaking discovery and turning the hope for life-changing solutions into a reality.The company manufactures and sells more than 55,000 products and is one of the only companies in the industry to offer a comprehensive line of life science, fine chemical and diagnostic products. MP Biomedicals is a world-wide corporation, with ISO-certified and FDA-approved manufacturing and distribution facilities throughout the globe and headquartered in Southern California. A vast network of global distributors and satellite facilities and offices throughout Europe, Asia, Australia and the Americas assures customers top quality products delivered when and where needed.No matter how dynamic the evolution of the life science and biotechnology markets, we remain committed to supporting our customers in their efforts to make new discoveries. From basic research, through scale-up, to full-scale production and diagnostic testing, MP Biomedicals serves every industry need – from specialized areas of research to supplying large scale quantities of fine chemicals. Our customers partner with us because they want a long-time player and reliable colleague in the fields of life science research and diagnostics. MP Biomedicals will never rest in our odyssey to remain at the forefront of discovery in the ever-changing biomedical industry.


SANNOVEX Pharmaceuticals’ field force started in 2010 with the arrival of Sannovex branded products from global manufacturers in China, India and later in Europe in 2011. It started with ten (10) medical representatives, increased to twenty five (25) in 2011, forty (40) in 2012, and eighty (80) in the fourth quarter of 2013 under two divisions, Line 1 and Line 2.SANNOVEX Pharmaceuticals markets products in injection forms but has started in 2013 negotiations for licensing & manufacturing agreement for oral preparations & expanding preparations for injections with European manufacturers for its Cardio-metabolic division, Anti-Infectives, Gastro-Intestinal, Oncology, CNS, Anti-Allergy, Analgesic, Anti-inflammatory products & non ethical preparations during the CPhI Frankfurt, Germany convention. The marketing of Sannovex branded products is limited to molecules that are already off patent and those classified as highly essential drugs in the Philippine National Drug Formulary that bridges the gap between efficacy and affordability of high quality medicines. Sannovex target clients are basically private and government major and minor hospitals with good credit standing.


We are a home grown, Singapore based and registered Clinical Research Organisation (CRO) with intent to provide clinical trials related service offerings to our customers.CSI Medical Research (CSI MR) have extensive and applicable local knowledge of key workflows both in investigators sites and from sponsors. Given the Singapores government huge endorsement on clinical research, both in resources and financial support, we believe segments like early phases for home grown IPs, Investigator Initiated trials remains hugely under served by CRO industry.  CSI MR aims to answer this call to support these important segments and is determined to utilize our industry experience to provide good quality, customized and cost effective services. We are also focusing of bringing innovative ideas and automation into clinical trials. The goal is to remove process wastes and streamlining the focus of stakeholders to patient safety and data integrity.CSI MR VisionA preferred partner that provides cost effective and customized clinical solutions to our customers in their quest for scientific enhancement. Leveraging technology to modernize clinical solutions that enables desired outcomesCSI MR Mission•    Ensure safety of patients participating in Investigators Initiated Trials (IIT) and clinical trials that we managed•    Strive to provide flexible solutions while focusing on the needs of our customers

Top Pharmaceuticals Companies in Philippines

Key Statistics from 2022: GDP and Employment

In 2022, the Pharmaceuticals industry in the Philippines contributed approximately 4% to the nation's GDP, amounting to nearly $12 billion in revenue. This figure represents a significant increase compared to previous years, driven by rising healthcare demand and industry expansion.

employment in the Pharmaceuticals industry reached nearly 200,000 individuals in 2022, accounting for approximately 0.4% of the total workforce in the Philippines. The industry offers high-quality jobs in research and development, manufacturing, sales, and distribution, further contributing to the country's economic development.

Factors Contributing to the Industry's Growth and Success

Several factors have contributed to the growth and success of the Pharmaceuticals industry in the Philippines:

Government Initiatives:

The Philippine government has implemented various policies and initiatives to support the industry, such as the Universal Health Care (UHC) Law, which expands access to healthcare services, and the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) Act, which strengthens the regulatory framework for pharmaceutical products.

Investment in Research and Development (R&D):

The Philippines has attracted significant investment in R&D, with multinational pharmaceutical companies establishing research centers and collaborating with local universities and research institutions. This has led to the development of innovative drugs and treatments, driving industry growth.

Rising Healthcare Demand:

A growing population, increasing prevalence of chronic diseases, and an aging demographic have resulted in a surge in healthcare demand in the Philippines. This has driven the expansion of the Pharmaceuticals industry as companies respond to the need for effective treatments and medications.

Sector-specific Growth and Comparison to Previous Years

Pharmaceutical Manufacturing:

The pharmaceutical manufacturing sector in the Philippines grew by 8% in 2022 compared to 2021, driven by increased domestic and international demand for high-quality, affordable medicines. Local manufacturers have expanded their production capacities and adopted more efficient technologies, further fueling growth.

Pharmaceutical Distribution:

The pharmaceutical distribution sector experienced a 6% growth in 2022, driven by the expansion of distribution networks and the emergence of e-pharmacies. This growth has improved access to essential medicines, particularly in remote and underserved areas.

Pharmaceutical R&D:

The R&D sector in the Pharmaceuticals industry witnessed a 10% growth in 2022 compared to the previous year. This growth was fueled by increased investment from multinational pharmaceutical companies, collaborative initiatives with local research institutions, and government support for R&D activities.

Key Trends and Technological Disruptions

The Pharmaceuticals industry in the Philippines is embracing several key trends and technological disruptions, including:


Digital technologies are transforming the industry, enabling improved efficiency, cost savings, and enhanced patient care. The adoption of digital tools such as artificial intelligence (AI), data analytics, and telemedicine is reshaping the way the industry operates, from drug discovery to patient engagement.

Personalized Medicine:

The shift towards personalized medicine, enabled by advancements in genomics and data analysis, is driving the development of targeted therapies tailored to individual patients' genetic profiles and health conditions. This approach has the potential to revolutionize healthcare outcomes and reduce the burden on healthcare systems.

Collaboration and Partnerships:

The Pharmaceuticals industry in the Philippines is increasingly characterized by collaboration and partnerships between local and international companies, research institutions, and government agencies. These collaborations aim to accelerate innovation, expand access to essential medicines, and share knowledge and expertise.


Despite its growth and ongoing innovation, the Pharmaceuticals industry in the Philippines faces several challenges that must be addressed to ensure continued progress:

Regulatory Environment:

A robust and transparent regulatory environment is essential for fostering growth and innovation in the Pharmaceuticals industry. Streamlining regulatory processes, ensuring the timely approval of new drugs, and enhancing transparency and predictability will be crucial for attracting investment and fostering industry growth.

Intellectual Property Protection:

Strengthening intellectual property protection is essential for promoting innovation and incentivizing R&D investment in the Pharmaceuticals industry. The Philippines must continue to enhance its intellectual property framework and enforcement mechanisms to align with international standards and best practices.

Access to Medicines:

Ensuring access to essential medicines, particularly for low-income and marginalized populations, remains a challenge in the Philippines. Addressing this challenge requires a multifaceted approach, including the expansion of public healthcare services, strengthening the distribution network, and promoting the use of generic medicines.

Future Outlook

The future outlook for the Pharmaceuticals industry in the Philippines remains promising, with ample opportunities for growth and innovation across various sectors. By addressing the aforementioned challenges and capitalizing on emerging trends and technological disruptions, the industry can continue to thrive, contributing to the nation's healthcare system and economic development.


In conclusion, the Pharmaceuticals industry in the Philippines has demonstrated significant growth and resilience, driven by factors such as government initiatives, investment in R&D, and rising healthcare demand. Sector-specific growth in pharmaceutical manufacturing, distribution, and R&D, coupled with the adoption of key trends and technological disruptions, has further propelled the industry's expansion. By addressing the challenges and embracing new opportunities, the Pharmaceuticals industry in the Philippines is well-positioned to solidify its presence in the global market and drive the nation's progress in healthcare and economic development.

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By Melissa Goh
Published on 29 May 2023