Tertiary education being prioritized; education profile among Singapore residents increases
The higher education sector in Singapore has experienced tremendous development with every passing year. Whether it be well-known university brands with long histories or newer institutions set up by either Western institutions or local-foreign partnerships with branches within the city, the sector has developed and advanced immensely.
The pandemic and geopolitical divisions over the past few years have led to visible changes to the economy, and this has resulted in a greater demand for university and higher education options that are within the country instead of educational pathways abroad.
The tertiary education sector in Singapore offers individuals the choice of joining institutions such as:
Universities based in Singapore - the country has 6 well-established autonomous universities that provide a range of educational options.
Polytechnic and arts institutions - which assist with both local education and tertiary education overseas. Students who excel at these institutions are provided with chances to continue their education in countries like Australia, New Zealand and the United Kingdom.
Foreign educational institutes - set up around the country to enable distance learning.
Between the years 2010 and 2020, the education profile of the resident population (consisting of Singapore citizens and permanent residents) in Singapore showed a rapid increase. Statistics obtained in 2020 showed that 6 out of 10 residents in Singapore had obtained higher qualifications and post-secondary qualifications.
The sector also noted a wider range of individuals seeking higher education. The number of residents with post-secondary or higher qualifications increased by 90.1% among the age group 25-34 years, while 82.9% and 64.8% increases were seen among the age groups 35-44 years and 45-54 years, respectively.
Additionally, between the years 2000 and 2010, the number of university graduates who were Singapore residents doubled from 266,600 to 634,100. These increases have helped the sector remain steadfast despite exterior disruptions such as lockdowns and travel restrictions.
Key Trends
Gender ratio proves influential; female enrolment in institutions steadily increases
According to legislation within Singapore, it is mandatory for all male citizens and permanent residence (PR) holders to enroll in national service for two years. Taking this into consideration, the sector revised the gender ratio enrolment for first-degree levels in order to balance the gender gap. Nonetheless, over the past 20 years, the female-to-male enrolment ratio has still increased to an average of 3.5% every year.
The ratio doubled between 1995 and 2014, from 37 females per 100 males to 71 females per 100 males. By 2020, statistics showed that 22.8 percent of women aged 55 and above had higher educational qualifications or post-secondary qualifications compared to 34 percent for men.
Furthermore, female university students dominated three of the five most common fields of study in Singapore. These fields included Business & Administration, Humanities & Social Sciences and Natural, Physical, Chemical & Mathematical Sciences. Meanwhile, the fields of Engineering Sciences and Information Technology still remained male-dominated fields.
Pursuing tertiary education proves arduous for special needs students; lack of support and limited resources to assist with students
Providing educational support to all walks of life is imperative, especially with the notion to aid the economy of Singapore. Yet, one segment of the tertiary education sector proves to be overlooked - the assistance and support needed for differently abled or special needs students in pursuing higher educational opportunities within the country. Individuals suffering from dyslexia and autism often find it a massive struggle with regards to time management and the ability to prioritize at tertiary levels.
Autistic consultant Ms Alina Chua - the Principal at an autistic-based school called Pathlight School - has stated that individuals suffering from autism require extra time to familiarize themselves with a range of course structures and understand modes of assessment. Another factor was the location of classes - special needs students required assistance moving from one class to another.
Making up about 3% of the full-time student population in institutes of higher learning, a growing concern arises for more support-driven curriculums that could enable an easier transition to tertiary education. As a means to assist this category of students, the Ministry of Education initiated a new vocational education syllabus for special education (SPED) schools to train and prepare students for tertiary-level standards of work.
A few suggested improvements were the provision of laptops and printing services to assist students especially during examinations. Also, new students could be attached to a buddy program that entails an individual trained in disability awareness to be assigned to special needs students to aid with the adjustment to university life. Many students refrain from voicing their concerns with regards to the lack of support provided due to stigmatization, but much awareness is being raised in the hope of improving the educational opportunities within the sector.
Bridging the gap between education and the industry: tertiary education slowly making its way towards interdisciplinary learning
Changes in the social and economic world, extreme weather changes, political polarization and unpredictable health scares, such as the pandemic, have vastly impacted the education system, while the need for structured rigid educational demands has begun to lessen.
The increase in Massive Open Online Courses (MOOCs) has resulted in many individuals within the sector questioning the need for 3-4 years for the completion of a degree and spending a large sum of money to attend a university online without any skill development. Many well-known companies globally, such as Google, Apple, Penguin Random House and Ernst & Young (EY) UK, no longer require a degree as a requirement for a job.
This has resulted in universities within Singapore beginning to re-evaluate their educational structure, and focusing on bridging the gap between universities and the industry. Many of the local universities are making gradual changes that entail more interdisciplinary learning, and changing university study modules to collaborate with industry partners and initiate internships and curriculum structure along with course work. The change is a slow but nevertheless important one.
Key Statistics
- In 2021, statistics obtained showed that the employment level for graduates between 2016 and 2020 rose from 89.5% to 93.8%.
- In August 2022, the World Bank stated that the expenditure by the government of Singapore on higher education as a % of GDP was 0.87305% in the year 2018.
- In statistics collected in 2013, an increase from 24% to 40% was seen among individuals pursuing tertiary education between the period of 2002 and 2012. This was for individuals aged 25 years and above.
- In 2022, statistics showed that between the years 2011 and 2020, the enrollment of students at universities increased from 56.82 to 76.08 (in thousands).
Top Singapore MNCs in Higher Education
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German Institute Of Science And Technology - TUM Asia Pte. Ltd.
TUM Asia was set up in Singapore in 2002 by the Technical University of Munich (TUM), the first German university to set up an offshore campus. TUM Asia offers undergraduate programmes, PhD programmes and/or applied research programmes to local and international students. Undergraduate courses include Bachelor of Engineering in Chemical Engineering, as well as Electronics and Data Engineering, while graduate programmes include Master of Science in Aerospace Engineering, Rail, Transport and Logistics, Green Electronics, Integrated Circuit Design and Industrial Chemistry. TUM Asia also offers Executive Education in the fields of Logistics, Railway Engineering, Transportation, Smart Factory, and Food Science and Nutrition.
Academies Australasia College Pte. Limited
Academies Australasia College, which is part of the Academies Australasia Group, has been in operation in Singapore since 2008. It offers certificates in English courses, diploma and advanced diploma courses, top-up degree programmes and Singapore Government School Preparatory courses. The academy offers University of Derby programmes, e-learning courses, diploma and advanced diploma programmes in Agriculture, Leadership and Management, Project Management, Hospitality Management and IT, and OTHM courses in IT, Business Management, and Logistics and Supply Chain Management. English courses include IELTS, and certificates in English for elementary, intermediate, upper-intermediate, and as a foreign language.
Kaplan Higher Education Institute Pte. Ltd.
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S P Jain School Of Global Management Pte. Ltd.
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Curtin Education Centre Pte. Ltd.
Curtin Singapore is part of Curtin University - Australia, which is ranked in the top 1% of universities by the Academic Ranking of World Universities (ARWU) 2022. Curtin Singapore offers courses for local and international students, and the option to study abroad. Undergraduate courses offered include Bachelor of Communication, Commerce, Computing (Cyber Security), Information Technology, Science (Data Science), and Bachelor of Science (Nursing). Postgraduate courses include Master of Business, International Business, Supply Chain Management, Clinical Leadership, Wound, Ostomy and Continence Practice, and Predictive Analytics. The university also offers Navitas English for English proficiency for entry into Curtin College and University.
James Cook University Pte. Ltd.
James Cook University Singapore was established in 2003, and it is part of James Cook University Australia. The institution provides an inter-campus exchange programme, allowing students to study in Australia while paying Singaporean fees. The university boasts the EduTrust Star, the highest level of quality assurance for private education institutions in Singapore, as well as the Singapore Quality Class STAR. Its undergraduate, postgraduate and pathway programmes include Accounting, Business, Early Childhood Education, Environmental Science, Games Design, IT, Psychology, Hospitality and Tourism Management, Science and Healthcare. In 2021, James Cook University was ranked among the top 300 universities in the world by ARWU.
DigiPen Institute Of Technology Singapore Pte. Ltd.
DigiPen Institute of Technology was established in 2008 in Singapore. In partnership with the Singapore Institute of Technology, it launched the DigiPen Game Studios publishing initiative. The university offers degrees in Art and Design such as Digital Art and Animation, and User Experience and Game Design. Its Computer Science degrees cover Interactive Media and Game Development, and Real-Time Interactive Simulation. The university also offers Engineering degrees such as Engineering in Mechatronics System, youth programmes, continuing education such as Technology in Finance Immersion Programme, and minors in Art, English and Mathematics. DigiPen was ranked #5 as the School for Game Design in 2021 by The Princeton Review.
EHL Campus (Singapore) Pte. Ltd.
EHL Campus Singapore opened in 2020, and it is the Asia-Pacific branch of Ecole hôtelière de Lausanne. The institute offers a Bachelor of Science in International Hospitality Management, and graduate courses such as Master in Hospitality Management, Global Hospitality Business, and an MBA in Hospitality. It offers certificates and short courses such as the Culinary and Restaurant Management Certificate, online certificates as a work plus study option, and short courses in Lausanne, Singapore and Passugg. Instead of a practical arts facility, undergraduate students are offered a Preparatory Year at the EHL Campus in Lausanne, Switzerland, on hospitality training, followed by an internship.
Top Singapore Large Local Enterprises in Higher Education
National University of Singapore
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Raffles Education Corporation Limited
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Singapore Management University
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Nanyang Technological University
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Singapore University Of Technology And Design
The Singapore University of Technology and Design offers programmes such as Architecture and Sustainable Design, Design and AI, Engineering Product and Development, Engineering Systems and Design, Information Systems Technology and Design, Science, Mathematics and Technology, and Humanities, Arts and Social Sciences. Its engineering and architecture programmes are accredited by the Engineering Accreditation Board (EAB) and the Board of Architects (BOA). The university has collaborations with the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) - USA, Zhejiang University (ZJU) - China, and the Singapore Management University (SMU). It aims to grow in the vital economic sectors of aviation, cities and healthcare, supported by AI and data science.
Singapore University Of Social Sciences
The Singapore University of Social Sciences (SUSS) was established in 1992, and offers full-time, part-time and graduate courses, as well as short, professional and funded courses. Its schools include S. R. Nathan School of Human Development, School of Business, School of Humanities and Behavioural Sciences, School of Law, and School of Science and Technology. Additionally, it offers the Centre for Continuing and Professional Education, the Centre for University Core, and the Centre for Experiential Learning. SUSS uses business intelligence and analytics to ensure efficiency across the university by providing reports and analyses, as well as being a digital warehouse of data.
Singapore Institute Of Technology
The Singapore Institute of Technology was established in 2009, and it is Singapore's University of Applied Learning, which offers applied degree programmes and integrates learning, community and industry. Integrating work and study, the courses require students to apply research on real industry problems and create solutions. The university offers academic clusters such as Business, Communication and Design, Engineering, Food, Chemical and Biotechnology, Health and Social Sciences, and Infocomm Technology. Its overseas partners include the University of Glasgow, University of Liverpool, Newcastle University, Massey University, DigiPen Institute of Technology, Technical University of Munich, The Culinary Institute of America and Trinity College Dublin.
Singapore Institute Of Management Pte. Ltd.
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Management Development Institute Of Singapore Pte. Ltd.
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PSB Academy Pte. Ltd.
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Top Singapore SMEs in Higher Education
East Asia Institute Of Management Pte. Ltd.
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3DSense Media School Pte. Ltd.
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Beacon International College Pte. Ltd.
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FTMSGlobal Academy Pte. Ltd.
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Icon+ Pte. Ltd.
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Executive Counselling And Training Academy Pte. Ltd.
The Executive Counselling & Training Academy’s (ECTA) international partner, Swinburne University of Technology, awards the certificates for courses including Graduate Certificate of Counselling, Certificate in Clinical Supervision, Diploma of Counselling, and Master of Counselling (Advanced). The Certificate in Basic Counselling Competency and Certificate in Youth Counselling are awarded by ECTA. The academy also offers the following short courses: 1) An understanding of mental health for all and self-harm and suicide ideation: mental health perspectives, and 2) Attention deficit hyperactivity disorder, autism spectrum disorder and psychosis in adolescents: counselling support.
Dimensions International College Pte. Ltd.
Dimensions International College was established in 1980. Its School of Higher Education, School of Hospitality, School of Languages and Dimensions High School are spread across three campuses. Its full-time and part-time courses are affiliated with a number of UK universities - including the University of Strathclyde and Cardiff Metropolitan University - as well as the Ministry of Education Singapore and Singapore Workforce Skills Qualifications, among others. At the TED Awards in 2018, it was conferred the Best Private Education Institution for Hospitality and Tourism Award, and the Gold Standard Award for Accountancy, Business Management, Culinary Arts and F&B.
ERC Institute Pte. Ltd.
ERC Institute was established in 2003, and was awarded a four-year EduTrust Certification in 2015. The institute, along with its university partners - the University of Greenwich, University of Chichester and Embry-Riddle Aeronautical University - offer a number of certificates and advanced diplomas. These include Advanced Diploma in Business Management in Entrepreneurship, Tourism and Hospitality Management, Banking and Finance, and Marketing and Sales Management. ERC’s Bachelor’s and Master’s degrees include Bachelor of Arts in Business Management, Bachelor of Science in Aeronautics, Aviation Business Administration, and Engineering, Master of Science in Data Science and Analytics, International Business, and Master of Business Administration in Aviation.
Nanyang Institute Of Management Pte Ltd
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SDH Institute Pte. Ltd.
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Top Singapore Fastest-Growing Companies in Higher Education
Ngee Ann Academy Pte. Ltd.
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Kingston International School Pte. Ltd.
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Academies Australasia College Pte. Limited
Academies Australasia College, which is part of the Academies Australasia Group, has been in operation in Singapore since 2008. It offers certificates in English courses, diploma and advanced diploma courses, top-up degree programmes and Singapore Government School Preparatory courses. The academy offers University of Derby programmes, e-learning courses, diploma and advanced diploma programmes in Agriculture, Leadership and Management, Project Management, Hospitality Management and IT, and OTHM courses in IT, Business Management, and Logistics and Supply Chain Management. English courses include IELTS, and certificates in English for elementary, intermediate, upper-intermediate, and as a foreign language.
BAC College (Singapore) Pte. Ltd.
BAC College Singapore has been in operation for three decades. It is part of a global education group that comprises five colleges and one university. It has longstanding global and strategic partnerships with universities in Australia, New Zealand and the UK, and has received a number of awards, including ASEAN Business Awards Malaysia for Best in CSR in 2015, 2017-2019, and 2021. Its courses include Foundation Diplomas for pre-university, and diplomas in Law, Business, Digital Transformation, Hotel Management, Media and Communication, and Entrepreneurship, and Postgraduate certificates and diplomas in Malaysian Law and Practice, and Management, with e-learning as an option.
TMC Academy Pte. Ltd.
TMC Academy has been providing education for 40 years, taking in local and international students. The disciplines it offers include Accounting and Finance, Business, Hospitality and Tourism, Infocomm Technology, Engineering, Mass Communication, Psychology, Financial Planning, and English Language, in the form of diplomas, certificates, short courses, Bachelor's, Master's, and GCE A/O-Levels. The academy also provides other courses such as The Art of Mixology, Hawthorn English, and Admissions Exercise for International Students (AEIS). TMC Academy has won a number of accolades including being named Winner in Higher Education – Psychology & Counselling at the TED Awards in 2019.
East Asia Institute Of Management Pte. Ltd.
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DigiPen Institute Of Technology Singapore Pte. Ltd.
DigiPen Institute of Technology was established in 2008 in Singapore. In partnership with the Singapore Institute of Technology, it launched the DigiPen Game Studios publishing initiative. The university offers degrees in Art and Design such as Digital Art and Animation, and User Experience and Game Design. Its Computer Science degrees cover Interactive Media and Game Development, and Real-Time Interactive Simulation. The university also offers Engineering degrees such as Engineering in Mechatronics System, youth programmes, continuing education such as Technology in Finance Immersion Programme, and minors in Art, English and Mathematics. DigiPen was ranked #5 as the School for Game Design in 2021 by The Princeton Review.
Curtin Education Centre Pte. Ltd.
Curtin Singapore is part of Curtin University - Australia, which is ranked in the top 1% of universities by the Academic Ranking of World Universities (ARWU) 2022. Curtin Singapore offers courses for local and international students, and the option to study abroad. Undergraduate courses offered include Bachelor of Communication, Commerce, Computing (Cyber Security), Information Technology, Science (Data Science), and Bachelor of Science (Nursing). Postgraduate courses include Master of Business, International Business, Supply Chain Management, Clinical Leadership, Wound, Ostomy and Continence Practice, and Predictive Analytics. The university also offers Navitas English for English proficiency for entry into Curtin College and University.
Lithan Academy Pte. Ltd.
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James Cook University Pte. Ltd.
James Cook University Singapore was established in 2003, and it is part of James Cook University Australia. The institution provides an inter-campus exchange programme, allowing students to study in Australia while paying Singaporean fees. The university boasts the EduTrust Star, the highest level of quality assurance for private education institutions in Singapore, as well as the Singapore Quality Class STAR. Its undergraduate, postgraduate and pathway programmes include Accounting, Business, Early Childhood Education, Environmental Science, Games Design, IT, Psychology, Hospitality and Tourism Management, Science and Healthcare. In 2021, James Cook University was ranked among the top 300 universities in the world by ARWU.