Top Lift And Escalator Companies in Indonesia

Indonesia has experienced significant economic growth in recent years, and the lift & escalator industry is no exception. The demand for vertical transportation systems has been increasing steadily in the country, driven by factors such as rapid urbanization, increased construction activities, and the need for modernization in existing buildings. In this article, we will explore the key statistics, growth factors, trends, challenges, and future outlook of the lift & escalator industry in Indonesia.

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PT. Sukapura Nuristya Utama adalah perusahan dalam negeri yang dibangun dengan kesadaran penuh putra putri anak bangsa untuk dapat bersaing dalam pengembangan teknologi terbaru dan dengan prinsip-prinsip serta cita-cita kesetaraan dalam penguasan teknologi serta membantu pengentasan pengangguran di dalam negeri sendiri. bergerak dalam bidang bisnis elevator (Lift) dan escalator yang saat ini menjadi suatu kebutuhan dalam pembangunan gedung bertingkat sehingga dapat membantu memobilisasi orang dalam Gedung tersebut lebih cepat untuk sampai di lokasi atau tempat bekerja. Adapun bidang yang saat ini di kelola antara lain: Pengadaan Unit baru, Pemeliharaan/Perawatan, Pengadaan suku cadang, Perbaikan/Pemeriksaan, Modernisasi. Didukung oleh team engineer (Teknisi) yang telah berpengalaman dibidangnya serta di dukung oleh produsen-produsen kenamaan dalam bidang elevator (Lift) dan escalator serta suplyer suku cadang dari luar negeri maka kami yakin dapat ikut meramaikan serta membantu pemenuh…

PT. BERCA SCHINDLER LIFTS471 +62 800 1000275

Founded in 2000, PT Berca Schindler Lifts (BSL) is a joint venture between Central Cipta Murdaya Group and Jardine Schindler Group – a leading global mobility provider of elevators, escalators, and related services. Headquartered in Jakarta, BSL also had branches in Medan, Bali, Surabaya, Yogyakarta, Batam, and Makassar.

FUJITA ELEVATOR11 +62 21 88971992

Fujita is a professional Elevator company who design and manufactures complete elevators, escalators and moving walks as well as elevator parts. The company has rich product varieties to satisfy diverse requirement from various users. The product scope covers passenger elevator, observation elevator, bed elevator, freight elevator, both of small machine or machine roomless, residential lift, dumb waiter, escalator and moving walk From design to manufacture, from installation to maintenance, we endeavor to satisfy the clients individual requirement, Our worldwide support networks, well trained engineering staff provides the customer with perfect services according to fixed work standard whole heart edly. We have formulated and implemented a set of strict installation management process and operation rules to ensure customers rest at ease. The Technologies In our field, Fujita has always been striving to stay a head of the line and investing on new technologies. Our team has distingui…


Kami menawarkan solusi yang terbaik atas kebutuhan transportasi vertikal anda. Berbagai pilihan produk Elevator dan Escalator full import dengan Garansi 2 tahun yang di support oleh tenaga berpengalaman yang bersertifikat. Kepuasan pelanggan adalah no. 1 bagi kami, mulai dalam memastikan proyek instalasi yang sukses dan berkualitas, layanan purna jual yang terbaik dan stock sparepart yang terjaga.

PT ARASINDO INTI GLOBAL3 +62 815-1006-2206

PT. ARASINDO INTI GLOBAL berkomitmen untuk melayani pasar Indonesia dalam bidang cathodic protection, elevator & eskalator dan elektrikal. Semua produk dan layanan yang diberikan dilengkapi dengan dukungan teknis penuh dan garansi dari masing-masing produk.


Ecogreen group of companies established back in 2009 in Singapore and from 2013 Ecogreen started its operations in Indonesia. We strives to be the leading expertise for energy savings specializing in industrial lighting products. Our company works closely with clients to evaluate the existing lighting design and assist in re designing a better and more efficient lighting system to achieve better cost savings and effectiveness. In 2016 PT Ecogreen Clean Teknologi set up a New office in Bekasi Barat to support the industrial in Jabotabek and Java area. In 2019 Ecogreen Products succesfully SNI certified for our Best Seller LED UFO Lamp and Most Wanted Induction High Bay Lamp. We also Set up Solar Division, Medical Waste Division and Launched Solar Street Light Product at the same year. And in 2021 we introduce 2 new division, Cleaning Division and Robotics Division. Enquires: Contact : (+62) 21-82735121 Website : and


A company established in Indonesia, specialized in providing high-quality maintenance for daily running vertical transportations. We assure through our assistance that your escalators and elevators equipment will run smoothly, safely and reliably, prolonging the valuable life of the asset in the future. Our services are entitled to provide a safer environment which brings benefits such as effective and efficient use in the long run, fewer call-backs and inconveniences and greater cost-saving. We provide maintenance, spare parts, repairs, modernization as well as safety audit & consultation. Our team is comprised with more than 10 years of experience in handling and maintaining all brands of escalators and elevators to ensure the operational efficiency and safety of your property.


PT. DUTA KRESNA SARDHANA adalah sebuah perusahaan yang baru didirikan pada tanggal 28 Juli 2017 dan berdomisili di Jakarta Selatan, tepatnya di Lingga Dharma Building Ruang D, Jalan Warung Buncit Raya No. 17, Kelurahan Ragunan, Kecamatan Pasar Minggu, Jakarta Selatan 12550. Sejarah Perusahaan dimulai dari tiga orang dengan latarbelakang bidang pekerjaan yang berbeda. Satu orang dari bidang konstruksi elevator dan escalator, dua orang dari bidang Building Management dan Development. Mereka dipertemukan dalam satu organisasi yang sama untuk mengelola gedung perkantoran, seiring dengan kekompakan dalam kerjasama, mereka juga memiliki ketertarikan terhadap satu hal yang sama, yakni ingin ikut serta mengambil bagian dalam program pemerintah khususnya dalam penyerapan lapangan kerja. Berdasarkan ketertarikan terhadap hal yang sama tersebut, mereka sepakat untuk mempersatukan kemampuan dan keahlian dalam bidang yang mereka tekuni sebelumnya dengan mendirikan perusahaan yang bergerak …


Ensure safe elevator and escalator installations through maintenance audits, modernisation advise and new building consultancy.

PT SUPERHELINDO JAYA62 +62 21 6326288

PT Superhelindo Jaya is a Construction company located in Indonesia.


Organizing planning and installation activities of elevator and escalator and consultant of K3 with experienced human resources, covering services: -Surveying, Analyzing and Consulting of Elevator and Escalator Projects -Planning of Elevator and Escalator Projects, Execution of Elevator and Escalator Projects -Progress Reporting of Elevator and Escalator Projects -Maintenance Elevators and Escalators -K3 Consultant


PT. Maxwell Natanindo Global, merupakan perusahaan contractor & engineering profesional dalam penyediaan, pemasangan, dan layanan untuk membangun sistem transportasi vertikal seperti lift, eskalator, dan travelator. PT. Maxwell Natanindo Global, menyediakan solusi end-to-end mulai dari konsultasi solusi transportasi vertikal bangunan, rekomendasi merek & produk, desain sistem terperinci termasuk antarmuka ke struktur bangunan dan sistem MEP lainnya, penyediaan & pemasangan, hingga layanan pemeliharaan produk dari sebagian besar merek yang berbeda sesuai dengan kebutuhan klien.


Our focus is on making things easy for our customers and no doubt this is why we have an excellent customer retention record. Our staff take great pride in their work and they understand that it is their actions that help us maintain our market-leading position, so you can be confident that they will go that extra mile on your behalf. We make it easy for you to do business with us, bringing to you a greater value for money, achieving our objectives and we will not let you down.

PT JAYA TEKNIK INDONESIA1,074 +62 21 23555999

Pt. Jaya Teknik Indonesia, is a business unit of Pt. Pembangunan Jaya (Jaya Group) with Core business in Mechanical & Electrical Contracting since 1970 Pt. Jaya Teknik Indonesia, provide business in Mechanical and Electrical Services and as the distributor of world-class Brands. Pt. Jaya Teknik Indonesia, offers products that fulfill international Standards for Quality and Reliability in providing the best solution to the client. TO BE THE NUMBER ONE COMPANY in INTEGRATED SERVICES of MECHANICAL & ELECTRICAL CONTRACTING, TRADING and MAINTENANCE


Perusahaan yang berdiri sejak tahun 2000 dan bergerak di bidang perdagangan umum dan sebagai importir dari produk sebagai berikut: · 4D/5D/7D Cinema Equipment Peralatan untuk bioskop 4D/5D/7D termasuk di dalamnya motion chairs, effect dimensi (hujan, salju, angin, gelembung dan lain-lain) sangat cocok untuk usaha bioskop baik sekala kecil, menengah atau besar dan termasuk pemasangan peredam suara serta interior. · Elevator (Lift) dan Escalator (Tangga Jalan) Lift tersedia dalam berbagai jenis seperti passanger lift, panoramic lift, hospital lift serta tangga jalan dengan berbagai jenis dan ukuran, termasuk training dan instalasi (pemasangan) · Dancing Fountain dan Kolam Renang Air Mancur Menari dengan controller system dan lampu led dengan berbagai jenis serta ukuran dan pembuatan kolam renang lengkap dengan peralatannya. · LED System Peralatan LED cabinet untuk keperluan periklanan dan lainnya serta tersedia juga Tanaman LED dengan berbagai varia…

PT FUJITEC INDONESIA76 +62 21 29319316

Fujitec creates beautiful and functional modern cities by delivering innovative high-quality products and solutions that transfer people to their destination smoothly and seamlessly. Fujitec Indonesia established in 1989 through a joint investment company between Fujitec Singapore and Fujitec Japan. Since then, Fujitec Indonesia have been committed to provide high-quality products and services to meet the diverse needs of Fujitec customers in Indonesia. Fujitec maintains total commitment to developing technologies that support safety and to ensuring the safety of everyone.


Surya Jaya Wijaya is a general trading company based in Sukoharjo, Central Java, we help Main Suppliers to distribute High-Involvement Products to several provinces in Indonesia. We plan to expand into several product lines in the future. Currently, our product department is: - Department of Industrial Oil (Distributor of Petro Canada Industrial Oil in Central Java and Special Region of Yogyakarta Area) - Elevator Department (Agent of SJEC Elevator Area Central Java and Special Region of Yogyakarta & Supplier of all brands of Elevator & Escalator spare parts in Indonesia) Petro Canada Lubricants are industrial lubricants that use hydrocracking technology, we provide lubricants with oil purity reaching almost 99.9%. With our high-quality products, we aim to give high-quality oil that can maintain the durability of the machine and at the same time is environmentally friendly. For spare parts, we try to provide the most affordable and high-quality Elevator & Escalator spare parts for y…


We are specialized for Project Management, Elevator, Escalator, Moving Walk, Dumbwaiter, Home-lift, Installation, Modernization and Maintenance for varies brand. . A Registered Competent Firm with DOSH, Malaysia . Distributor for DAZO Elevator and MOTALA Platform Lift


Industrial Brush Asia produce and supply custom built brushes throughout Australia and Southeast Asia to a broad spectrum of industries.With brush manufacturing facilities located in Singapore and Batam Indonesia as well as overseas facilities in Melbourne, Sydney, Brisbane and Adelaide within Australia and in Auckland within New Zealand.


Top Lift And Escalator Companies in Indonesia

Key Statistics from 2022:

In 2022, Indonesia's GDP is projected to reach $1.3 trillion, with a growth rate of 5.3%, according to the World Bank. The country has a population of over 273 million, making it the fourth most populous country in the world. In terms of employment, the lift & escalator industry is one of the fastest-growing sectors in the country, providing jobs to thousands of people. The industry's contribution to the national economy is also significant, with a market size of over $1 billion in 2021.

Factors Contributing to Growth and Success:

Several factors have contributed to the growth and success of the lift & escalator industry in Indonesia. One of the most significant factors is the government's support for the industry. The government has launched several initiatives to improve the country's infrastructure, including the development of modern and efficient vertical transportation systems. The government's commitment to infrastructure development has led to increased demand for lift & escalator products and services.

Another factor is the rapid urbanization and construction activities in the country. Indonesia's population is concentrated in urban areas, which has led to an increased demand for vertical transportation systems in commercial and residential buildings. The construction of new buildings and modernization of existing ones have also contributed to the growth of the industry.

Each Industry's Growth and Comparison to Previous Years:

The lift & escalator industry in Indonesia is composed of several sectors, including the manufacturing, installation, maintenance, and modernization of vertical transportation systems. In recent years, each sector has experienced significant growth, with the installation sector being the largest and most dominant sector in the industry.

According to industry reports, the installation sector has grown at a compound annual growth rate of 7.1% between 2016 and 2021, while the maintenance sector has grown at a rate of 6.4% during the same period. The manufacturing sector has also shown strong growth, with a compound annual growth rate of 6.9%. Modernization services, such as upgrading existing systems with new technology, have experienced the highest growth rate, with a compound annual growth rate of 8.2%.

Key Trends:

The lift & escalator industry in Indonesia is undergoing significant technological disruptions. The adoption of technology in the industry has led to the development of new and innovative products and services, as well as more efficient and cost-effective systems.

One of the key technological trends in the industry is the use of smart and connected systems. Smart systems allow building owners and managers to monitor and control vertical transportation systems remotely, improving their efficiency and reliability. Another trend is the use of eco-friendly systems, such as regenerative drives and energy-efficient lighting, which reduce the environmental impact of vertical transportation systems.


Despite its growth and success, the lift & escalator industry in Indonesia also faces several challenges. One of the main challenges is the shortage of skilled workers, particularly in the manufacturing and installation sectors. Another challenge is the lack of standardization in the industry, which can lead to inconsistencies in service quality and pricing.

Future Outlook:

Looking to the future, the lift & escalator industry in Indonesia is expected to continue its growth trajectory, driven by the country's expanding economy and increasing demand for vertical transportation systems. The industry is also likely to become more technology-driven, with the adoption of new lift & escalator technologies and products.

To overcome these challenges and take advantage of growth opportunities, the industry players need to focus on training and developing skilled workers, improving service quality and standardization, and adopting new technologies to enhance efficiency and reduce costs. By doing so, the lift & escalator industry in Indonesia can continue to grow and provide valuable services to consumers and businesses.

In addition to these measures, the industry players need to embrace sustainability and eco-friendliness. Sustainable vertical transportation systems are expected to become increasingly important, as customers and stakeholders become more environmentally conscious. Companies that invest in sustainable technology and eco-friendly practices will be better positioned to meet the demands of the future market.


The lift & escalator industry in Indonesia is a growing sector with immense potential. The government's support and initiatives, coupled with rapid urbanization and increased construction activities, have been the primary drivers of growth. Despite challenges, the industry is expected to continue its growth trajectory, driven by the country's expanding economy and the adoption of new lift & escalator technologies and products. With the right strategies and initiatives, the lift & escalator industry in Indonesia can continue to provide valuable services to consumers and businesses alike, while contributing to the country's economic growth and development.

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By Melissa Goh
Published on 12 May 2023